Many tiers, including myself, have been frustrated with their elk hair and deer hair caddis wings coming loose and twisting around the hook shank after only a few fish. The reason is that thread mounted simply over the hair butts is not adequate to hold the wing in place. The solution is not lots of additional wraps, but proper placement of the thread wraps to apply the most force.
Learn about fly tying threads.
Learn the best cleaning methods.
Stacking is a method of aligning at one end various hair...
Making your own blend of dubbing is recommended. Learn why.
For medium to small flies split-thread dubbing is an...
Learn methods to get desired results.
Trailing shucks came in the early 1990s with synthetic yarn.
Learn Wayne's preferred method of forking tails.
Learn a sure-fire method that works.
Synthetic material usually represents the wing, an...
Understanding the anatomy of feathers improves the fly...
The purpose of using a folded hackle is to allow the...
Fish see and key on even the smallest insects especially...
Why some fly tiers wrap flat tinsel bodies on flies from...
Possibly the most important part of the wing is the...
Mallard roof can be a challenge to mount. Learn about...
Learn the characteristics and some suggested uses.
Fly dressings often include feathers and/or barbs from...
The story of Wayne ‘Buz’ Buszek and his Western Coachman...
Learn more about a hook that has not point, but an eye.