FFI Produces Publications to Educate
and Provide Enjoyment to Members
The FFI publications are a benefit of being a member of the organization. So please remember to login to the website to access the material. Not a member? Click here to join the FFI. Need help logging in? E-mail membership@flyfishersinternational.org or call HQ at 406-222-9369.

The official publication of the organization. It was originally started as a newsletter in the 1960s, but has transitioned to a full color 60-page magazine that contains information about fly fishing. Subjects include featured articles about great fishing locations. Departments include
- Conservation
- Education
- Women's Programs
- And More
Click here to read the Flyfisher
You must login as a member of FFI to access the magazine.
FFInsider is the newsletter of the Fly Fishers International. We provide information about the organization's activities, including programs and planned events.
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The Loop is the Journal of Fly Casting Professionals that start in the 1990s to serve the Casting Instructor Certification Program. However, the journal has such good information that the Program leaders wanted to share it with the general membership. In 2014, the publication became available to all members of the FFI.

Whip Finish is the official journal of the Fly Tying Group of the Fly Fishers International. It is published quarterly as a major venue for informing members of projects and upcoming events of interest to them.
Each issue also contains articles that include planning and teaching tying workshops, helpful tying techniques and descriptions of tying materials and their unique characteristics that make them especially suitable for specific tying applications.
It is intended that members may learn something new from each issue that will help them expand their fly tying skills and thus contribute to our mission, which generally is to preserve the art form of fly tying for all fly fishers.
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Our mission is to advocate and educate on behalf of the persistence of wild steelhead and salmon
For over 20 years the FFI's Steelhead Committee brought a voice to wild steelhead throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Osprey is now managed by the Conservation Angler, with several organization supporting their mission. The Osprey advocates for the conservation of existing wild steelhead and salmon stocks and the restoration of degraded habitats and depressed runs. The Osprey is able to provide a unique source of timely news and commentary regarding the management, science, and recovery of steelhead and salmon. We acknowledge the challenges that lay ahead for wild salmon and steelhead including the impacts of climate change, population growth, ill-advised dams and misguided hatchery production. However we are hopeful that with dedicated work on their behalf, salmon can recover and thrive in perpetuity.