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Learning, Sharing, Inspiration...it's Our Mission

To create a community of women fly fishers where learning, sharing and inspiration are offered in a safe and non-intimidating environment, to develop and improve fly fishing/tying skills, and offer new opportunities in a creative and fun manner. Join our group and support the work we are doing.


FFI Women Connect encourages female leadership in FFI Clubs and the fly fishing industry as a whole by creating a platform where women can develop fly fishing skills and build confidence. If you want to get news from FFI Women Connect, sign up for regular communications.

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This event will be held in the heart of the Minnesota Driftless. This area is known for its expansive trout habitat and beautiful, deeply carved river valleys with pristine spring creeks. This is an event hosted by women, for women! Registration includes food & lodging; all other travel/transportation, licensing, and guide trips are at your own expense.

Date: Monday Ocotber 6th through Sunday October 12th, 2025   
Location: Cedar Valley Resort, 905 Bench Street , Whalen, MN

Pricing & Package Info:

We are offering tiered pricing which includes food and lodging. Everyone will have their own bed. Participants will help with food prep & clean up throughout the week. Not included: guided fees, tips, licensing, transportation, alcohol, event processing fees. You will be responsible for bringing your own fishing gear (4-5 wt rods w/ floating line recommended).

Individual participant pricing for the 2025 trip is as follows. Registration will be for the entire week (Mon-Sun) unless otherwise noted. We are offering a weekend only option for those who would prefer a shorter stay. The weekend option is for a single or double occupancy room, depending on availability, and will be determined upon arrival. Additional Processing fees will be added upon checkout.

  • Private Room  $950.00
  • Double Room  $750.00
  • Loft   $550.00
  • Weekend Only (Thurs-Sun)  $495

Payments must be made prior and in full. In the event of a cancellation, refunds will be issued only if we are able to fill the spot. Must be a current FFi member to attend.

We will have events planned throughout the week including topics and events such as: conservation, casting skills development, social events, Driftless ecology & entomology, and of course, lots of fishing!!!

What to bring: 4-5wt rod/reel with floating line, rubber soled boots & waders, net, polarized sunglasses.

Area Fly Fishing Shops & Guide Services:

Root River Rod Co – Guided float trips, bamboo rod maker, flies & gear. Lanesboro, MN
The Driftless Fly Fishing Company – Orvis Endorsed shop, guides, kayak rental, flies & gear. Preston, MN
Women’s Fly Shop/Driftless Angler – Guides, women’s specific clothing, gear, and flies. Viroqua, WI

Questions please contact: womenconnect.UMC.ffi@gmail.com