Conservation Chair Dave Peterson reports on FFI's efforts in conservation advocacy arena.
Protecting Marine Fisheries
FFI is proud to be a conservation partner with the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust. BTT’s mission “is to conserve and restore bonefish, tarpon and permit fisheries and habitats through research, stewardship, education and advocacy. Through science-based approaches, BTT is working to protect and enhance healthy, functioning flats fisheries and habitats in the Western Hemisphere, and restore those in decline. This work is being done in collaboration with other institutions and governments.”
Most recently, FFI was one of many BTT partners providing written comments to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Service calling for protection of spawning grounds for permit in the Florida keys. Other efforts have been aimed at conserving bonefish habitat in the US and internationally.

Photo: Cameron Luck
Working to Stop Mining in Fragile Fish Habitats
Save the Boundary Waters
Save the Boundary Waters- As a member of the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters, FFI is a regular contributor to efforts to stop efforts to establish open pit sulfide copper mining in the headwaters of one of America’s most pristine wildernesses, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. The BWCA is America’s most visited wilderness and is comprised 1.1 million acres of pristine lakes and lush woods. If a sulfide ore copper mine were to be established in this fragile watershed, one of our nation’s most important wilderness areas would be threatened.

Photot: Dave Freeman
Supporting Efforts to Protect Bristol Bay & Stop Pebble Mine
FFI has been an active partner in efforts to stop the Pebble Mine in Alaska’s Bristol Bay. The following provides an update and call to action on the Pebble Mine.
Just two months after Congress issued a directive to the Army Corps of Engineers that it address informational gaps and flaws in its Pebble Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the Army Corps took another step forward in the Pebble Project permitting process and completed its Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). While the Preliminary Final EIS was only distributed to Cooperating Agencies and Bristol Bay tribes, the Executive Summary for the Preliminary Final EIS can be found here.
In response, Chair of the US House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Peter DeFazio released a statement saying that:
“The Army Corps of Engineers’ environmental analysis of the Pebble Mine was flawed from the start, and recent reports indicate it isn’t improving... it appears the Corps has, again, missed the mark.”
Cooperating Agencies and Bristol Bay Tribes have 45 days to review and comment on the Army Corps' Preliminary Final EIS. After that, the Army Corps says that it will release its Final EIS by mid-2020 with a final Record of Decision as soon as 30 days after that.
ACTION: Contact Congress to ensure that the Army Corps addresses the continued concerns and questions of federal agencies, Bristol Bay businesses, fishermen, and local Alaskans.

Photo: Bryan Gregson
Salmon & Steelhead Recovery in the Pacific Northwest
Don't Let Politics Run Salmon & Steelhead into Extinction
FFI Senior Conservation Advisor Rick Williams has long been involved in the fight to save steelhead and salmon in the Columbia/Snake River system. This op-ed highlights the issues in this iconic watershed. Read what Rick and Don Chapman, a semanal scientist, writes about the subject. They bring 40 years of experience working in the watersheds that support these majestic fish. Click here to read the editorial opinion.

Photo: Brian O'Keefe
A New Edition of The Osprey is Now Available
The Osprey is a journal dedicated to the recovery of salmon and steelhead in the Pacific Northwest. Dr. Mark Rockwell reports on the progress being made to remove the dams from Klamath River in the Osprey. Jim Yuskavitch's Editor Message gives a perspective on "Nature and the Virus." Click here to read the new journal.

Photo: Jim Yuskavitch
FFI Participated in National Summit on Climate Change
FFI participated in a climate summit hosted by the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Cambridge, Maryland on February 18-20, 2020. Thirty-two participants from 28 Policy Council organizations joined 12 guest speakers and 11 TRCP staff members at the summit.
The ultimate goals were to:
1) create a common understanding about the threats and opportunities involved with tackling climate change;
2) finalize a climate statement and set of targeted practices – a summary of which that will be sent to Capitol Hill; and
3) develop near and long-term climate policy priorities for our community.
FFI plans to use the finds of the summit to guide revisions in the FFI Policy on Climate Change.