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Fly Tying Skills Award Program

Why an FFI Fly Tying Skills Award Program

The FFI Fly Tying Skills Awards Program provides FFI members with the opportunity to develop or reinforce their fly tying skills and test their progress against a consistent, standard at three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

The goal of the Awards Program is to encourage FFI members to develop and improve their fly tying skills at their own pace through a structured learning plan with progressive goals. The Program is meant to be informative, enjoyable and encourage camaraderie and co-operation among those taking part. In addition, it can also assist Clubs and instructors in the planning and delivering of fly tying courses.

Participation is entirely voluntary. No FFI member or Club is under any obligation to take part.

Skills Awards Programs

Program Committee

For more information regarding the program and/or process feel free to contact any of the following involved individuals: Please note that no mailing addresses are included in these listings for privacy reasons. Please contact these individuals by phone or email for the mailing addresses.

FFI Fly Tying Skills Awards Program Committee

Eric Austin
(740) 9574249

Al Beatty
Emeritus FTGBOG
or 208-861-0564

Gretchen Beatty
Emeritus FTGBOG
or 208-861-8802

Jim Ferguson
Emeritus - FTGBOG

Jack Gillis
Committee Chairperson 
