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Conserving Resources
for All Fish, All Waters


Safe Handling for Soft Release

Fly Fishers International was formed more than 65 years ago by some of the most noted fly fishers of that time. FFI’s founders strongly believed that conservation of fisheries and their aquatic habitats was of utmost importance and that fly fishers must organize to speak with one powerful, conservation voice to ensure these natural resource opportunities to fly fish would endure.

“Catch and Release” was recognized by those early leaders as a conservation practice that every fly fisher could use to reduce fishing-related mortality and sustain healthy fish populations. Fly Fishers International continues to strongly advocate the safe release of fish and management agencies now also are regulating the release of caught fish to reduce “take” in specific cases where “over harvest” of fisheries has been documented, to assist in restoration of sensitive fish populations and to optimize recreational opportunities in selected areas.

Research has shown that native game fish that occur in cold, warm and salt waters can be safely returned to the water with an expectation that they will not only survive but also reproduce. Still, post-release mortality can be as high as 18 percent, depending upon the species, differing environmental circumstances but especially how the fish is handled prior to release.

Fly Fishers International continues to lead efforts to increase fish survival by advocating a new Conservation Initiative of “Handle Fish Safely for Soft Release” when the fly fisher does not intend to “keep” the fish. This is especially important as the sport of fly fishing continues to expand and fishing pressures increase. Moreover, some fish species are declining due to both overharvest and habitat loss. The fact that photographing our catch for posting on social media has become so prevalent also makes proper fish handling increasingly more important.

Fly Fishers International believes that conservation of fishes and wetland habitats remains more critical today than ever and urges our members and the fly fishing community to embrace “Handle Fish Safely for Soft Release” as a personal commitment to conservation of our valuable fishery resources.

Handle Fish Safely

  • Fish with barbless “Single Hooks”, or hooks with barbs bent down, to minimize tissue damage during removal.
  • Land fish quickly in a rubberized net.
  • Wet your hands before handling a fish, don’t squeeze the fish and keep them in the water and wet to the extent possible.
  • Do not support fish by the jaw for any reason.
  • Use hemostats or dehooking devices to remove hooks while the fish remains in water or net.
  • Never lay fish on rocks, bank or boat or keep out of water for an extended period to photograph.
  • Watch for predators that may take a fish on your line and stop fishing or move from the area if necessary.
  • “Keep Fish Wet”

Soft Release of Fish

  • Minimize the time your fish is out of the water.
  • Wet your hands when handling your fish.
  • Keep fingers away from gills and eyes and never support fish horizontally by jaw.
  • Never squeeze your fish.
  • Cradle fish gently in hand or net and in the water until the fish swims away freely.
  • Fish native to cold and/or moving water may need to be held with their nose upstream to sufficiently recover before release.


Photograph Safely to Improve Survival

The high-quality digital cameras in our smart phones are excellent for taking photographs of fish, other wildlife and the wetlands where we fish. They allow taking multiple photographs quickly for review, cropping and discarding later. Be sure to secure your camera with a lanyard when over water.

Excellent photographs can be created safely of fish in several ways, dependent upon size and species of fish, whether standing in water with the fish or photographing from a boat. Smaller fish can be easier to compose for photographs, whereas, photographing larger fish safely can be more challenging.

“Safe Handling for Soft Release” of the larger and often heavily harvested trophy species is especially important to post-release survival. The popular practice of photographing fish in hand adds additional reason for handling fish safely and releasing them softly to improve their survive and possible capture another time. The following practices will help ensure the fish you release survive. "C:\Users\Owner\Pictures\All Fish, June 2024\696.jpg"

General Tips for Safe Fish Pictures:

  • Ask a partner to assist in taking the picture, especially helpful when photographing larger or very active fish.
  • Don’t photograph every fish; be selective.
  • Avoid holding fish completely out of water and never lay fish on ricks, shore or boat.
  • Leave fish in water with the line or in a rubberized net while turning the camera on and planning the photograph.
  • Avoid photographing highly active fish; wait for the next fish.
  • Fish will often calm when pressure on the line is slackened, making natural photographs in water possible.

Taking the Picture:

  • Wet hands before handling a fish.
  • Have your camera ready before handling the fish for the picture.
  • Compose the picture, take photographs quickly and softly release the fish as soon as possible.
  • “Keep Fish Wet” at all times as you prepare to take your photograph.
  • Calmed fish can be photographed laying or cradled in hand or in net.
  • Larger fish can be photographed in wet hands, partially out of or just above water with water dripping, as well as when they are being released softly from hand into the water.
  • Avoid retaining fish longer when trying for the perfect photograph.
  • Take several successive photographs of moving fish and review them later to avoid holding fish for extended periods.

Selected References

The Origin, Decline, and Resurgence of Conservation as a Guiding Principle in the Federation of Fly Fishers (Fly Fishers International) - FFF_Conservation_Chapter_May_2015.pdf (flyfishersinternational.org)

Catch and Release – Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedi.org/wiki/Catch_and_release 

Catch And Release Fishing: Impact With Studies, Stats & Tips – https://hikingandfishing.com/catch-and-release-fishing

Catch and Release Fishing – https://www.nps.gov/subjects/fishing/catch-and-release-fishing

How to Safely Catch and Release – https://www.nps.gov/subjects/fishing/how-to-safely-catch-and-release

Catch and Release Fishing Best Practices – NOAA Fisheries – https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/resources-fishing/catch-and-release

The 7 Major benefits of Catch and Release Fishing – https://tacklevillage.com/benefits-of-catch-and-release-fishing

Catch and Release Fishing – https://www.flseagrant.org/fisheries/catch-and-release-fishing 



New brochure will be available soon.


Please direct inquiries to the Conservation Coordinator.

E-mail: conservation@flyfishersinternational.org

Telephone: 406-222-9369