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Conserving Resources
for All Fish, All Waters


Fishable Waters - FFI Supports The Rights Of Anglers

Fly Fishers International supports the rights of anglers to recreationally pursue fishing in the waters of the United States. Recognizing that all fish species require water conditions of high enough quality to allow them to grow, propagate and maintain population levels that allow for recreational angling, the FFI, by vote of its Board of Directors adopts this policy in support of fishable waters.

The U.S. Clean Water Act of 1972 establishes a policy of maintaining fishable waters. Fly Fishers International and its members wholeheartedly accept this provision and adopt the following pro-active policy in support of the Clean Water Act.

Fly Fishers International and its members shall…

  • Support the Federal and State environmental agencies in their implementation and enforcement of water quality standards applicable to fish;
  • Coordinate our volunteer activities and financial resources with other conservation and environmental organizations seeking to protect water quality;
  • Participate in clean-up and restoration projects to build or improve fisheries;
  • Encourage our members to monitor our favorite fishing streams and lakes by utilizing the appropriate tests from the FFI or other sources to measure temperatures, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and other state and federal water quality measures to assure compliance with established standards;
  • Report pollution events (oil and chemical spills, suspected polluting outfalls, violations of water quality standards, etc.) to emergency and enforcement officials;
  • In appreciation of the quality resources gifted us by our forebearers; we shall leave these resources no less diminished to our children.