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FFI Award Nomination Form

The form below provides everything that is required for preparation and submittal of nominations for all awards.  All awards may not be given each year.  

The form must be used to nominate individuals, groups, or other entities for  various awards that may be presented by Fly Fishers International.  Please be prepared to fill out the form and upload the supporting documents for the nominee.  Supporting documents should be uploaded as a PDF file that is less than 5 mb.  You may upload two (2) files of that size.

Select the award and the criteria will appear.  You should match the nominee's qualifications to the criteria.  You may review the criteria and past recipients by clicking the links above. 

Please submit questions you may have by e-mail to awards@flyfishersinternational.org

Award Nomination Form

Please provide your contact information

Nominee Information

The image will be used in our Award Program materials. It should be a high resolution image of 300 dpi or greater, no less than 400 pixels wide.


Qualification Summary


Please write a short summary of the nominee’s merits and adherence to the criteria of the award. The summary is not intended to be used as your full submission.  Please attach additional files (see below) to support your nomination. 

Attach Additional Documentation (if needed)

Award nominations can be submitted with additional information to supplement the Qualification Summary above, supporting letters and other documents you feel are important to consider. You can upload two files of supporting documents. Files should be in PDF format not exceeding 5 megabytes in size for each file.  Please attach them to this submission.

Submit Nomination