Wayne Luallen
1991 Buz Buszek Memorial Fly Tying Award Recipient
Wayne Luallen (born 1950) is a retired radiologic technologist from Visalia, California. He started tying flies in 1974 to save money — thousands of dollars on tools and materials ago.
An early professional start
Wayne’s dexterity and attention to detail soon became apparent. One year later he was invited to tie professionally for Buz’s Fly and Tackle in Visalia — specifically the specialty custom flies for discerning fly fishers, for some added income — hence his “flybynyt” email address. With this repetitive work, like a musician practicing scales and etudes, he steadily gained in technical skills and materials selection and handling.
“The word 'legacy' is bantered about often too casually, but in this case I see the Buz Buszek Memorial Fly Tying Library as a way to leave behind a portion of our tying knowledge, our legacy for others to benefit from. We are being offered an opportunity to present what we want to share, what we feel best represents why we were chosen as recipients of the award. Our work will stand alone in our own Library within the Library. I know of no other such gathering of tying knowledge available in one location. I am anxious to learn from the contributions of all our past Buszek recipients.” Wayne Luallen