Make An Impact On Our Sport!
Your donation supports FFI's programs including conservation, education, and building the community of fly fishers so we can have a positive impact on the sport.
Please fill out the form below. The description of the item is very important. It is the only way we can properly promote your donation, your business, and auction-off your item! If it is a trip, please state when, where, number of days, number of people and what you will provide, i.e. meals, transportation, equipment etc. Also upload a photo(s) that represents your item, if available. If you have more than one item, please fill out a form for each item.
If the item needs to be mailed/shipped please send AFTER MAY 1, 2025 to:
Fly Fishers International
c/o Dave Peterson
6325 Ottawa Lane
Pentwater, MI 49449
Enclose a printed copy of your confirmation e-mail in the package you send . If you prefer to fill out a paper form to send with your item you can download here.
Phone: 406-222-9369 X0