FFI Dedicated Over 50 Years
FFI has been teaching kids to fly fish for over 50 years. There are some very important reasons:
Anglers are a lower and lower percentage of the population, because fewer kids are joining our ranks.
Efforts that build support for fish in the next generation of voters are every bit as important as projects that build fish habitat.
Who will be voting on water resource issues in 10 years? Kids who are 8-10 years old now!.
High profile programs like kid's fishing days and one-time outings do not begin to replace the grandfather, father, uncle kind of mentoring that caused most of today's anglers to take up fly fishing.
You know that kids count with FFI
- FFI's loaner fly rods, reels, lines, tying vises and other equipment have been used with over 15,000 kids over the last 7 years. This equipment is always in use by fly fishing clubs, state agencies, regional conclaves and even federal programs.
FFI has given over 550 fly rods and lines for permanent use in kids fly fishing programs.
FFI publishes how-to booklets on fly casting, fly tying, insects and other topics. These booklets are especially well-suited for classes of beginning fly fishers.
FFI offers water resources and fisheries curriculum material to schools throughout the U.S. aimed at grades K-12.
FFI holds an annual kids fly fishing camp at the International Fly Fishing Fair.
FFI offers a reduced-cost membership for kids under 17 years of age.
In addition, FFI member clubs serve thousands of kids directly.

Survey Proves Support
A recent survey of FFI clubs indicated that they offered classes and fishing activities to over 4,500 kids and young adults every year. This did not include extraordinary efforts by clubs like the North Louisiana Fly Fishers, who taught 6,800 kids in one summer in a State of Louisiana aquatic education program!
INTERESTED? Want your kids to learn about fly fishing?
Join FFI and get in contact with a local club. Ask about their kids programs.
Attend the FFI's International Fly Fishing Fair (usually held in July or August).
Contact the FFI office if you have questions at (406) 222-9369.
Want to help out? We always need adults to teach kids about fly fishing.