Winner Announcement:
The winners will be announced in Fly Tyer Magazine and FlyFisher Magazine.
First place winner of category 1, overall, will win A Nor-Vise rotary vise and an FFI Hat. For more information about the Nor-Vise see Norvise - Standard Rotary Fly Tying Vise.
First, second and third place winners in all five categories will receive a certificate.
First place winners of categories 2 through 5 - No entries submitted.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Results for the Fly Fishers International Fly Tying Challenge for 2024.
The flies for the 5th Annual FFI Fly Tying Challenge:
- OVERALL: Dry Fly, Wet Fly, Nymph & Streamer, plus one tie breaker pattern of the tier's choice.
- Category 2: Dry Fly - Adams
- Category 3: Wet Fly - March Brown
- Category 4: Nymph - AP Nymph
- Category 5: Streamer - Lefty's Deceiver
This year submissions were sent in only for Category 1 - Overall. There was clearly one person who has stood out the last couple years, making this again a truly international contest. Agniezka Kubale is the winner of first place. The Kubale family come from Poland. Congratulations Agniezka! Agniezka will recieve a Norvise - Rotary Fly Tying Vise from our sponsor NOR-VISE, a hat and certificate.
First Place
Agnieszka Kubale
Junoszyno, Pomorski Poland
Second Place
Alun Thomas
Salt Lake Ciry, Utah
Third Place
Steven Welch
Carthage, North Carolina