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Need Marketing Support for your casting event?  Complete the form below.  If you need guidance click here for the User's Guide.

If you need additional materials not listed here, i.e. brochures, tablecloths, banners, and flags, you can find additional necessary forms by clicking here. 


Please indicate which area this request is affiliated with by clicking the relevant box. 

Requesting FFI Member or Organization

Submission date will be the date you completed the form.

Support activities require a minimum 8-week lead time prior to the event. Provide explanation for all abbreviated schedules which will be considered on a priority basis.

Is this a request for a past event?

If so, what was the significance of FFI member
participation? Is there time sensitivity to a
retrospective review?

Event Activity Details

Event Title
Event dates, times, location, and deadlines 

Example:  Event date/time/duration, location of event, date to registration ends.

Purpose and program:  What's the primary message?

Please use text box below to describe the purpose and program.  

Target Audience

Example: General public, current FFI members, beginners or mixture of audiences.

Call to action:  How should your audience respond?

Example: Visit website, phone call, pre-register, just turn up on the day, etc.

Desired outcomes and objectives for your event

Example: Acquisition of new members, retention of existing members, or create a memorial, fun day for beginners.

Type of Marketing Support Requested

Please click the box or boxes that apply.

Standard Promotional Pieces

Available in e-form or printed for shipment by arrangement.  Click to view the materials available. 

FFI Membership Brochure (8.5" x 11" 4-page bifold)

FCEP Brochure (8.5" x 11" 4-page bifold)

FCSD Brochure (8.5" x 11" 4-page bifold)

FCSD Participant Rack Card (5.5" x 8.5" two-sided)

Please check all that apply below.

FFI Custom Promotional Pieces

We can provide an announcement flyer.  Standard size is 8.5" x 11".  Available in e-form or printed for shipment by arrangement.  

Please advise if an alternative format is required

Example: A4, A3, etc.

Please explain any mandatory specifications for inclusion?

Example: Third party logos, sponsor logos, supplied brand guidelines to follow.

File Uploads

You may upload up to 3 files to this submission, including images or documents (Word or PDF).  Maximum of 5MB per file. 


Please note:  If you click submit and the page refreshes, please scroll to the top of the page to get the required field necessary to complete the form.    Successful completion will result in being directed to a confirmation page of your submission.