Rhonda is a native of Oklahoma who moved to Montana in 2008, after retiring from AT&T with 31 years of service. After staying at home for 2 years she realized retirement wasn't for her and decided to return to the workforce. Fly Fishers International was a good fit and she was hired in 2011. She often says she utilizies all the skills she learned as a Community and Government Relations Area Manager for AT&T.
Her hobbies don't include fly fishing, but she is passionate about conservation of resources and educating people about how to become better stewards of this great place we call home...Earth.
She was appointed as the Executive Director in April 2024.
She and her husband, Larry, live on a 25-acre ranchette in Paradise Valley with 1 horse, 1 turkey, 2 goats, and 3 dogs.

Blake Parsons
Communications Director
Blake Parsons joined Fly Fishers International in 2022 to lead the organization’s communications and marketing efforts.
After 15 years with award winning advertising agencies, Blake leads the strategic development of communications strategies to support FFI programs, membership growth, and fundraising.
Having spent 20 years fly fishing from the Gulf Coast to the Northern Rockies, he is driven by FFI’s mission to preserve the legacy of fly fishing for all fish in all waters. Blake enjoys sharing this conviction, and guiding new fly fishers on his home waters for smallmouth and trout.
Blake lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Ally.

Cole Hirschhorn
Membership Coordinator
406-222-9369 Ext. 1
Cole Hirschhorn is a native Texan, born and raised in Dallas. He moved to Bozeman, Montana, in the Summer of 2022 to begin serving as the membership coordinator for FFI. Chasing Big Sky trout on the seemingly endless number of glorious rivers in and around FFI Headquarters is now his other passion.
Cole graduated from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in the Social Sciences. Over the course of his studies Cole built on his fly-fishing skills and searched for an opportunity to apply his degree in a meaningful way that could also help preserve our fisheries and environment.
At a young age his father impressed upon him the joy and importance of the sport of fly fishing. In the summer of 2016 Cole fully applied himself to mastering as much as he could, regularly working the farm ponds in Fruitvale, Texas, for black and largemouth bass. It was on those ponds he harnessed his skills and discovered how much he enjoyed providing lessons and sharing his fly-fishing passion with his friends.
Hailing from a saltwater background, he fished the flats of the Lower Laguna Madre along the Texas Coast for 10 years with his father and uncles. Over the years, Cole and his family have spent countless hours poling the flats finding tailing Texas Redfish and specks that draw fisherman to that special fishery. He has also chased down multiple Louisiana Bull Redfish during the winter months and a few big Snook from the mangroves of the South Florida coast.
In addition to fly fishing, Cole is an avid reader that also enjoys the art of writing, as well as watching Formula One, football and sharing time with his friends and family.
His passion for the sport and FFI is illustrated every day as he works diligently to ensure current members have access and understand all the benefits of FFI before heading out to the Gallatin or Madison to cap off a good day’s effort.
Membership Administration
President's Club, FFI1K & Donations
Lindsey Webster
Ext. 0
Clubs/Councils Coordinator
Fly Tying Group
Jessica Atherton
Ext. 2
Casting Program Coordinator
Nikki Loy
Ext. 3
Sharon Cebulla
Ext. 4
FFI Museum & Collection
Ext 0
Other Inquires not listed above should be directed to the Vice President of Operations at operations@flyfishersinternational.org .